Saturday 18 May 2013

My Magnolia Tree

My Magnolia Tree Survived!

The time has finally arrived!  My magnolia tree is in full bloom!

I was a bit nervous this year waiting for this day.  Shortly after moving in to our new abode last Spring, our gardens were in for the shock of their long, overgrown, 30-year lives. There's a new sheriff in town and she wants things back in order!

I have a deep-seeded passion for flowers, shrubs and trees of all kinds, but do not appreciate things being unkempt in the garden. However, not knowing much about magnolias, I waited until after bloom to do some much needed pruning. As always, I got a little "prune-happy" and was sure I had killed the poor thing. 

But mother nature smiled upon me (once again...) and blessed me with these beautiful saucers..... and a few dandelions too! ;-)

I look forward to this time of year in my garden, when the buds begin to open and the bulbs burst with spring colours. The bees start buzzing and my heart starts singing. Gardening season has finally arrived!

If you follow me on Twitter (Follow Me here) you will remember that I tweeted some pics of Spring beginning in my mother's garden at Easter-time.

Well, they are blessed to be living in the beautiful Annapolis Valley where farmers and gardeners alike enjoy an early start to the season. I think they have been mowing their lawns for about a month now ..... we are just preparing our machines for our first cut this weekend. 

In any case, we are now enjoying the joyous season of Spring and I wanted to drop by to share some of these glorious blooms happening in my own backyard. What's showing signs of life in your garden? 

I hope you get outside and enjoy your Victoria Day long weekend!


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